7 teacher must-knows to increase classroom productivity and create happy, healthy learning environments for ALL children
1. Have regular movement breaks. We need movement BEFORE we can concentrate.
2. Observe for clues that children aren’t yet engaged or that attention is lagging.
3. Incorporate regular muscle breaks to keep concentration going.
4. Understand that some children need alternate sitting positions. Sitting up straight with legs crossed might be too hard for lots of kids.
5. Allow children to sip at their desk with a drink bottle. Mouth input keeps kids “just right” and concentrating.
6. Understand that movement and wiggling is not bad behaviour.
7. Have a few favourite music or YouTube Tracks handy that use movement, dancing or stretching.
Are you struggling to increase classroom productivity?
Are you creating an optimal learning environment for your pupils?
Are you struggling to increase classroom productivity?
Are you creating an optimal learning environment for your pupils?
Running your classroom can be a day-to-day challenge especially when you’re dealing with kids who display challenging behaviour. You’ve tried everything but haven’t seen any positive results. Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn how to transform your classroom into a sensory-safe space where all your students are attentive and engaged?
I designed The 20-Day Classroom Detox, an easy-to-understand online course, to do exactly that. You’ll be amazed at the results after making even small changes to your classroom. Rest assured, it’s not complicated. It’s simply adopting a new mindset and understanding what sensory processing is all about.
This 4-week online course is suitable for educators who want to look at their classroom environment with new ways to maximise learning and engagement. Imagine going from overwhelm to ease in just a couple of weeks.