For Occupational Therapists Ready To Start A Practice Or Take Their Practice To The Next Level.

Want to know how to build your sustainable profitable therapy business in 8 weeks or less?

For Occupational Therapists Ready To Start A Practice Or Take Their Practice To The Next Level.

Want to know how to build your sustainable profitable therapy business in 8 weeks or less?

You’re here to change children’s lives with your awesome therapy skills. However the real challenge for most therapists is how to run your practice. It’s not your fault because they didn’t teach you how to do that in university and it feels overwhelming and sometimes as if you are out of your depth.

This fear and overwhelm can hold you back.

Can you answer YES to any of the following questions?

Are you running your therapy business and feel like you’re winging it?

Do you feel as if you work too hard and you’re not sure what’s profit?

Are you considering branching out on your own but don’t know where to start?

Do you feel overwhelmed and at a loss to know where to go for help?

And if you’re being really honest, are your dreams getting in the way of your family time and is stealing the joy in your life?

Can you answer YES to any of the following questions?

Are you running your therapy business and feel like you’re winging it?

Do you feel as if you work too hard and you’re not sure what’s profit?

Are you considering branching out on your own but don’t know where to start?

Do you feel overwhelmed and at a loss to know where to go for help?

And if you’re being really honest, are your dreams getting in the way of your family time and is stealing the joy in your life?

I totally get it…

I’ve been where you are … it’s not fun.

I’ve worked late writing reports and creating invoices.
I’ve worked 6-day weeks and missed out on time with my family.
I’ve worked so many public holidays pursuing my dream, while the family went to the beach.

But the truth is …

YOU know that creating a profitable business that’s simple to manage would be easier … if you had a guidebook.

So, if you want to start your therapy business and do it in YOUR genius way …
then you need to figure out the RIGHT STEPS and what to do next. ASAP!
It’s entirely possible that you can have your own therapy business helping kids in your own genius zone … but you can’t move forward without the clarity you need to take the next step. 
Want to know the secret behind building a successful therapy business? One that uses your skills to your potential?

Here’s the truth — as an occupational therapist for over 23 years, I’ve supported over 100 therapists in developing their business and clinical skills. I can tell you that when it comes time to build their business and skills, confidence and clarity are CRUCIAL to implementing a successful business plan.

At the end of the day, the strategies you put in place at the start impact on your time, client outcomes, sustainability, and quality of life.

They are THE thing that sets apart a stressful business from a sustainable one.
Which means successful therapists learn how to do the right tasks in the right order. They also know how to set up processes, systems and outsource tasks … at the right stages.

They have an actual PLAN for their business birth and development.

They don’t build their businesses blindly, they don’t close their eyes to the numbers and financials while hoping it all works out, and they don’t minimise the importance of continual learning.

And neither should you.

I know firsthand how an effective business strategy can transform a new or growing business (to the tune of thousands of dollars or hours of wasted time). 

And now, I want to help you transform yours.

That’s exactly why I created the Build Your Sustainable and Profitable Therapy Business Bootcamp.

So that’s exactly what I’m giving you – a strategy and priority steps for building and creating a sustainable therapy business so you can pay yourself an above award wage and have more time for the important things. .

My 8-week program will do just that. 


How to Build Your Sustainable, Profitable Therapy Business in 8 weeks or less

Without working nights & weekends.

Build Your Sustainable, Profitable Therapy Business Bootcamp is an 8-week online course that hands you my complete system to start your business and make it more profitable without having to pay thousands of dollars for business coaching.

This is the exact same system I’ve used to help over 50 paediatric occupational therapists set up and grow their businesses setup and grow their businesses from 2020 – 2023, right through the pandemic.

Many of them during this time have left their 9-5 job and are now full-time and thriving in their own businesses, doing therapy THEIR WAY. Their newfound independence allows them to bring their own therapy genius zone to children and families.

It has helped these therapists to fast-track their business setup. They have learned how to reduce the mental load and frustration of trying to do it all by outsourcing tasks much sooner than they thought possible. 

Here’s How It Breaks Down over the next 8 weeks and each module will have practical step-by-step instructions:

Module 1: Gain Clarity and Focus In Your Business (Value $495.00)

Learn how to choose the right clients for your skill set, manage referrals and wait lists, and optimise your caseload.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Be clear about WHO you choose to work with … because the best clients to work with are a good match for your skills
  • Have easy and repeatable strategies for getting referrals so that you don’t have to worry about spending your valuable time chasing clients
  • Learn how to fill your books to capacity and manage wait lists to create a seamless, stress-free workflow
  • Optimise a full list by creating the right client mix and work within your area of expertise, making your workflow enjoyable and easy to manage

Module 2: Say Goodbye to Feeling Pressured and Overwhelmed (Value $495.00)

No one wants to feel pressured and overwhelmed by a career they’re supposed to love. But let me tell you a secret … you don’t have to feel that way! I’ll show you how to feel great about your work life.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Manage your calendar and workflow to keep it running smoothly and reduce stress
  • Learn to create a balanced caseload so you use your time efficiently
  • ​​Proactively manage your time and tasks and keep your day-to-day activities running like clockwork
  • Create a system to manage reports for the NDIS so you avoid the end-of-plan pressure and rush
  • Set short-term, medium-term and long-term goals and keep your business on track by always having a vision for the future
  • Develop a growth mindset to take up opportunities for making passive income, help others, or spread your influence outside your circle and experience the joy that comes from sharing your passion

Module 3: Never Experience Money Worries Again! (Value $495.00)

Learn how to manage your finances so they never cause you stress again. You’ll even be able to enjoy spending without feeling guilty!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Manage your calendar and workflow to keep it running smoothly and reduce stress
  • How to get paid quickly and on time and say goodbye to the stress of chasing payments
  • ​​Manage your accounts like a pro so you can spend your time doing more productive things
  • Create a simple and fearless budget to alleviate the stress of not knowing how your finances are doing
  • ​Yes, you can take a holiday without worrying about the money! You’ll come back feeling refreshed and with greater clarity for your business.
  • ​Strategies for a confident approach to the end-of-the-month review. There’s no need to dread it when you have your finances under control!

Module 4: Automation for Success and Streamlining (Value $495.00)

Automation is crucial to success because one person cannot do all the tasks that running a business requires. I’ll show you how to make it work for you.

Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Get your to-do list out of your head, be more productive, and give your mind a rest from worrying about what you have to do!
  • Put your business on autopilot and feel the burden of trying to do it all slip away!
  • ​​Manage your accounts like a pro so you can spend your time doing more productive things
  • Make social media scheduling tools work for you while you sleep … and know that your business is hard at work even when you’re not.
  • ​Use this easy strategy to keep track of education, courses and supervision costs so you are fully aware of these expenses
  • ​Manage productivity, energy levels and time blocking, and enjoy mastering your life rather than your life being your master!

Module 5: Creating Your Support Team (Value $495.00)

I’ll show you why outsourcing is such an important strategy for your success … and how you can take the pressure off by doing it right away!

Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Yes, you CAN have a team and profits – right now! Avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed when you have a team to assist you.
  • Throw away those time-consuming tasks that you hate so that you can do the things you love and do best
  • ​​Find your own cheer squad for support when you need it and master those messy moments that drag you down
  • Insider hack: up-manage your bookkeeper! Relax with the knowledge that your finances are all under control.
  • ​The OTHER support team that will help you shine so you can function at your best and love what you do
  • ​Be free to work in your Genius Zone and do what you love while avoiding the boring tasks that you hate

Module 6: Creating Your Website (Value $495.00)

Know why you need not just a good website, but a great one. We’ll discuss what a great website should include and how to know whether you should DIY or outsource it.

Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Branding your business: your logo. Be instantly recognized so your business becomes a trusted source of information and help.
  • Building a great website so your business looks professional and provides a good user experience
  • Content ideas for your website so you become the go-to source of information in your niche
  • Website Options – DIY? The pros and cons. Know when you have the time and skills to achieve your desired website … so you avoid unprofessional or problematic outcomes
  • ​Building time. Have fun with it … create a unique introduction to your business with a great website!

Total Value: $2970.00!

Join The 8-week Business Bootcamp Program Here…

+ You Get These Bonuses!


Foundations- Starting out? Part way there? This module makes sure your business has a solid foundation.


Using Todoist to Keep Track of Your To-Dos. In this module we step you through the todoist app and how you can set up for time management success and not lose track of day to day tasks that pop up.


NDIS Service Agreement Template to get you started.

Here’s How It Breaks Down over the next 8 weeks and each module will have practical step-by-step instructions:

Module 1: Gain Clarity and Focus In Your Business (Value $495.00)

Learn how to choose the right clients for your skill set, manage referrals and wait lists, and optimise your caseload.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Be clear about WHO you choose to work with … because the best clients to work with are a good match for your skills
  • Have easy and repeatable strategies for getting referrals so that you don’t have to worry about spending your valuable time chasing clients
  • Learn how to fill your books to capacity and manage wait lists to create a seamless, stress-free workflow
  • Optimise a full list by creating the right client mix and work within your area of expertise, making your workflow enjoyable and easy to manage

Module 2: Say Goodbye to Feeling Pressured and Overwhelmed (Value $495.00)

No one wants to feel pressured and overwhelmed by a career they’re supposed to love. But let me tell you a secret … you don’t have to feel that way! I’ll show you how to feel great about your work life.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Manage your calendar and workflow to keep it running smoothly and reduce stress
  • Learn to create a balanced caseload so you use your time efficiently
  • ​​Proactively manage your time and tasks and keep your day-to-day activities running like clockwork
  • Create a system to manage reports for the NDIS so you avoid the end-of-plan pressure and rush
  • Set short-term, medium-term and long-term goals and keep your business on track by always having a vision for the future
  • Develop a growth mindset to take up opportunities for making passive income, help others, or spread your influence outside your circle and experience the joy that comes from sharing your passion

Module 3: Never Experience Money Worries Again! (Value $495.00)

Learn how to manage your finances so they never cause you stress again. You’ll even be able to enjoy spending without feeling guilty!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Manage your calendar and workflow to keep it running smoothly and reduce stress
  • How to get paid quickly and on time and say goodbye to the stress of chasing payments
  • ​​Manage your accounts like a pro so you can spend your time doing more productive things
  • Create a simple and fearless budget to alleviate the stress of not knowing how your finances are doing
  • ​Yes, you can take a holiday without worrying about the money! You’ll come back feeling refreshed and with greater clarity for your business.
  • ​Strategies for a confident approach to the end-of-the-month review. There’s no need to dread it when you have your finances under control!

Module 4: Automation for Success and Streamlining (Value $495.00)

Automation is crucial to success because one person cannot do all the tasks that running a business requires. I’ll show you how to make it work for you.

Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Get your to-do list out of your head, be more productive, and give your mind a rest from worrying about what you have to do!
  • Put your business on autopilot and feel the burden of trying to do it all slip away!
  • ​​Manage your accounts like a pro so you can spend your time doing more productive things
  • Make social media scheduling tools work for you while you sleep … and know that your business is hard at work even when you’re not.
  • ​Use this easy strategy to keep track of education, courses and supervision costs so you are fully aware of these expenses
  • ​Manage productivity, energy levels and time blocking, and enjoy mastering your life rather than your life being your master!

Module 5: Creating Your Support Team (Value $495.00)

I’ll show you why outsourcing is such an important strategy for your success … and how you can take the pressure off by doing it right away!

Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Yes, you CAN have a team and profits – right now! Avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed when you have a team to assist you.
  • Throw away those time-consuming tasks that you hate so that you can do the things you love and do best
  • ​​Find your own cheer squad for support when you need it and master those messy moments that drag you down
  • Insider hack: up-manage your bookkeeper! Relax with the knowledge that your finances are all under control.
  • ​The OTHER support team that will help you shine so you can function at your best and love what you do
  • ​Be free to work in your Genius Zone and do what you love while avoiding the boring tasks that you hate

Module 6: Creating Your Website (Value $495.00)

Know why you need not just a good website, but a great one. We’ll discuss what a great website should include and how to know whether you should DIY or outsource it.

Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Branding your business: your logo. Be instantly recognized so your business becomes a trusted source of information and help.
  • Building a great website so your business looks professional and provides a good user experience
  • Content ideas for your website so you become the go-to source of information in your niche
  • Website Options – DIY? The pros and cons. Know when you have the time and skills to achieve your desired website … so you avoid unprofessional or problematic outcomes
  • ​Building time. Have fun with it … create a unique introduction to your business with a great website!

Total Value: $2970.00!

Join The 8-week Business Bootcamp Program Here…

+ You Get These Bonuses!


Foundations- Starting out? Part way there? This module makes sure your business has a solid foundation.


Using Todoist to Keep Track of Your To-Dos. In this module we step you through the todoist app and how you can set up for time management success and not lose track of day to day tasks that pop up.


NDIS Service Agreement Template to get you started.

What will your private practice look and feel like in 12 months time?

   Will you be like the majority of our graduates (our  graduates community) who feel more in control of their business,​

   Don’t work nights or weekends much now,

   Have had waiting lists for months,

   Know exactly how much their business is making, and;

   Are deciding if they stay a sole practice or advertise for another OT in their practice.


  • Will you be like the majority of our graduates (in our Implement Your Business (our  graduates community) who feel more in control of their business,​
  • Don’t work nights or weekends much now,
  • Have had waiting lists for months,
  • Know exactly how much their business is making, and;
  • Are deciding if they stay a sole practice or advertise for another OT in their practice.


YOU IN? You can do it.. I’m with you.

YOU IN? You can do it.. I’m with you.


I have had the privilege of joining the amazing Deb Hopper for the last 18 months, working through the 8 week Therapy Business Bootcamp, the Implement Your Business program and the Therapy Business Mastermind. The bootcamp filled in all the gaps in my business, so it is now not only profitable and sustainable but organised and running smoothly. The Implement program allowed time with Deb, answering the many questions specific to my business. The Mastermind Group moved me onto bigger and better things in OT with many opportunities presented to expand my clinical and business skills and get creative exploring other sources of income. Learning to set business and therapy goals and being accountable helped me to achieve more than I thought was possible. I have met many other OT’s from all over Australia, gaining ideas and support, as well as cheering them on with their business and clinical goals. Deb is passionate about OT, full of energy and enthusiasm and willing to pass on everything she knows to help OT’s thrive as OT’s and business owners. Deb, you are appreciated for who you are and all you bring to the OT world!

– OT Melbourne


Q: When is the start date?

This batch of the Therapy Business Bootcamp has already started, BUT you can join our waiting list and we’ll get in touch with you soon for the details on the next batch.

Q: Are the lessons live or pre-recorded?

The modules and lessons are pre-recorded but there are scheduled live calls for the lessons Q&A.

Q: Are there live calls? What if I miss any of the calls?

There are 3-4 live calls happening within this 8-week bootcamp. The schedule will be announced after the welcome call. We want to schedule the calls depending on the availability of the majority of the members.

The calls are recorded so you can listen/watch the recording once it’s added into the portal usually within 24 business hours after the live session.


Q: When is the start date?

This batch of the Therapy Business Bootcamp has already started, BUT you can join our waiting list and we’ll get in touch with you soon for the details on the next batch.

Q: Are the lessons live or pre-recorded?

The modules and lessons are pre-recorded but there are scheduled live calls for the lessons Q&A.

Q: Are there live calls? What if I miss any of the calls?

There are 3-4 live calls happening within this 8-week bootcamp. The schedule will be announced after the welcome call. We want to schedule the calls depending on the availability of the majority of the members.

The calls are recorded so you can listen/watch the recording once it’s added into the portal usually within 24 business hours after the live session.


Empowering OTs, parents and educators to demystify kids’ behaviour through online training and courses.

As an Occupational Therapist of 23 years, and being in private practice 15 years, I wish this business boot camp had been there when I started! I would have saved thousands of dollars and years of making mistakes and failing forwards!

I can’t wait to walk through this program with you!

© 2025 Life Skills 4 Kids. All Rights Reserved.