Parenting isn’t always easy!

The Simple Strategies To Gently Manage Your Child’s Tricky Behaviour And Reduce Anxiety For The Whole Family

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Parenting isn’t always easy!

The Simple Strategies To Gently Manage Your Child’s Tricky Behaviour And Reduce Anxiety For The Whole Family

It’s a fast-paced world we live in…

Kids and families have a lot to deal with in our fast-paced world, where everyone is constantly bombarded by the noise that’s online and offline. 

Anxiety is a growing problem at every age, and when left unchecked, it can wreak havoc in a child’s world to the point where everyday life becomes a challenge.

Social events like birthday parties, playdates and holidays turn into a rollercoaster of emotional drama instead of times creating happy memories

Mornings before school are a delicate daisy chain of chaos from moment to moment, if only you could get everyone fed, dressed, ready and out the door on time with your sanity intact

Afternoons and evenings are a fine balance of dealing with anxiety, emotions, and tiredness to get through practical activities like homework, dinner, chores and bathing until bedtime (you’ve probably given up on ever having a full night’s sleep again)

Everyday activities like grocery shopping and eating out should be relaxing and enjoyable but your child’s difficult behaviour derails what should be a smooth and easy activity to do together

Family and friends mean well but they don’t know what your family goes through and you’re exhausted emotionally and physically trying to keep it all together.

You didn’t picture parenting would be so challenging and you hope the next stage will be easier, even though you know what you’re dealing with right now might carry on for months or years.

You want the best for your child…

If your family is in turmoil and you feel emotionally drained wishing you had answers to your parenting questions, you need the right support so you feel understood, energised and empowered again.

You’ve heard this before ‘…fit the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others…’

Maybe your child has learning difficulties, sensory difficulties, battles anxiety, or is on the autism spectrum.

When you understand why your child displays difficult behaviour… 

… and you know what to do before or in the moment to minimise their anxiety and the emotional drama, you’ll feel amazing and see an improvement in your whole family’s confidence and wellbeing.

Mornings and evenings aren’t the emotional rollercoasters of tantrums and tears but go smoothly and calmly for everyone in the family…

Everyday activities become a source of joyful moments and happy memories… Your relationship with your child deepens with understanding and connection…

Hi, I’m Deb Hopper, Paediatric Occupational Therapist, and for 20+ years I’ve helped hundreds of parents like you make sense of kids’ tricky behaviour by providing easy-to-implement training and strategies in my clinic work and through my online programs.

I know there are many families who can’t get an appointment to see a professional OT due to long waitlists, and maybe you know need help but you’re silently struggling and doing the best you can.

It’s why I created an online resource specifically for parents that means you have easy access to video tutorials and professional strategies along with monthly live coaching calls. It’s a space where you will feel empowered with the right support to handle difficult behaviour challenges easily and experience all the joy of raising your beautiful family.

Now you can have immediate access to the professional strategies I use with families without waiting months for an appointment.

Debbie Hopper


The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership

For parents who want to create a peaceful, structured and purposeful home.

Get access to online professional resources and trainings, community plus practical advice from experienced professionals in Paediatric Occupational Therapy.

Every month you’ll have support with the right strategies and up-to-date information when you need them to make every day a happier day at home for a fraction of the cost of one therapy appointment…


The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership

For parents who want to create a peaceful, structured and purposeful home.

Get access to online professional resources and trainings, community plus practical advice from experienced professionals in Paediatric Occupational Therapy.

Every month you’ll have support with the right strategies and up-to-date information when you need them to make every day a happier day at home for a fraction of the cost of one therapy appointment…


When you join the Life Skills 4 Parents Membership

you’re no longer on your own.


This may be able to be claimed as an NDIS support. Please check with your NDIS plan manager, support coordinator or contact to see how it could be claimed.

Here’s what’s inside the Life Skills 4 Parents Membership

Step-by-step online tutorials and professional resources with strategies designed for:



  • Toileting
  • Easy evening
  • Getting to sleep
  • Quiet play

+ more


Primary Schoolers

  • Big emotions
  • Jobs and chores
  • School and homework
  • Screen time

+ more



  • Anxiety and worry
  • Calming strategies
  • Quiet leisure
  • Jobs and chores

+ more

With more content added every month from our team of Professional Paediatric Occupational Therapists.

Plus Monthly Group Coaching Calls for Parents so you can ask questions and get the answers you need.


  • Reduce anxiety and worry around everyday activities with simple strategies and routines to create calm
  • Easy to follow methods for smoother transitions
  • Learn proven techniques from experienced professional Paediatric Occupational Therapists for families so you never feel at a loss with what your child and family need to thrive
  • Be surrounded by like-minded parents who also want the best for their family

The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership is for parents who want to provide a peaceful, happy, structured and purposeful home environment for the whole family.

When you join the Life Skills 4 Parents Membership

you’re no longer on your own.


This may be able to be claimed as an NDIS support. Please check with your NDIS plan manager, support coordinator or contact to see how it could be claimed.

Here’s what’s inside the Life Skills 4 Parents Membership

Step-by-step online tutorials and professional resources with strategies designed for:



  • Toileting
  • Easy evening
  • Getting to sleep
  • Quiet play

+ more


Primary Schoolers

  • Big emotions
  • Jobs and chores
  • School and homework
  • Screen time

+ more



  • Anxiety and worry
  • Calming strategies
  • Quiet leisure
  • Jobs and chores

+ more

With more content added every month from our team of Professional Paediatric Occupational Therapists.


Plus Monthly Group Coaching Calls for Parents so you can ask questions and get the answers you need.


  • Reduce anxiety and worry around everyday activities with simple strategies and routines to create calm
  • Easy to follow methods for smoother transitions
  • Learn proven techniques from experienced professional Paediatric Occupational Therapists for families so you never feel at a loss with what your child and family need to thrive
  • Be surrounded by like-minded parents who also want the best for their family

The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership is for parents who want to provide a peaceful, happy, structured and purposeful home environment for the whole family.

The Life Skills 4 Parents Membership program will provide you with:

1 x LIVE Monthly parent coaching group call via ZOOM (ask THAT question about your kid’s current behaviour and get a real practical answer to help you right now).

Exclusive FB group with 24/7 access to our parent community and our OT team for support on the go: no judgement, no drama, just parents wanting to learn how to do parenting and life together and sharing ideas and tips along the way. Full of wisdom, tangible advice and like-minded parents.

Access to Life Skills 4 Parents online education portal with new trainings added monthly (your 24/7 GO TO guide for any parenting issue you have from toddlers to teens).

Growing library of 10-minute self-paced parenting mini trainings in our Life Skills4Parents portal: it’s like having a parenting genie on your laptop or smartphone. Forget waiting lists and OT bookings: get the advice you need for your current parenting dilemma 24/7.

1 x LIVE Monthly parent coaching group call via ZOOM (ask THAT question about your kid’s current behaviour and get a real practical answer to help you right now).

Exclusive FB group with 24/7 access to our parent community and our OT team for support on the go: no judgement, no drama, just parents wanting to learn how to do parenting and life together and sharing ideas and tips along the way. Full of wisdom, tangible advice and like-minded parents.

Access to Life Skills 4 Parents online education portal with new trainings added monthly (your 24/7 GO TO guide for any parenting issue you have from toddlers to teens).

Growing library of 10-minute self-paced parenting mini trainings in our Life Skills4Parents portal: it’s like having a parenting genie on your laptop or smartphone. Forget waiting lists and OT bookings: get the advice you need for your current parenting dilemma 24/7.



1. PAY MONTHLY: $60 incl. GST


with 2 MONTHS FREE: $600 incl. GST


1. PAY MONTHLY: $60 incl. GST


with 2 MONTHS FREE: $600 incl. GST

* Process for Self-managed NDIS:

1. Complete our Service Agreement (click to start).

2. Pay your membership fee on payment page.

3. Once payment is received, we will send you a copy of your completed Service Agreement via email (please check your junk or spam folder if not received within 72 hours).

4. You will then receive access to the Life Skills 4 Parents Membership areas.

* Process for Plan-managed NDIS:

1. Complete our Service Agreement (click to start)

2. Signed copy of the Service Agreement is sent to your inbox.

3. LS4K Office Manager will send you the invoice with the bank details. Forward the copy of the invoice and the signed copy of the Service Agreement to your Plan Manager.

4. Once payment is received, you will then receive access to the Life Skills 4 Parents Membership areas.

* The Life Skills 4 Parents NDIS subscription might be able to be claimed under the following supports, or other codes:

1. Capacity Building – 15_056_0128_1_3: Assessment Recommendation Therapy And/or Training (Incl. AT) – Other Therapy- NSW
2. Core  01_741_0128_1_3: Assessment Recommendation Therapy And/or Training (Incl. AT) – Other Therapy-NSW

Please always check with your plan manager or NDIS contact.

I can’t wait to walk through this program with you!

Debbie (Fellow Parent, Paediatric OT and Leader of the Anti-Drama Parent Movement)

I can’t wait to walk through this program with you!

Debbie (Fellow Parent, Paediatric OT and Leader of the Anti-Drama Parent Movement)

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