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Results for "Just right kids"

Planning your Classroom Management Strategies for the School Year

Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist Classroom management strategies are in class strategies that are developed over time by teacher. Teacher training, mentoring, trial and error and hours clocked in the classroom help teachers to fine tune these strategies...

Teaching Your Child to Not Interrupt

Teaching Your Child to Not Interrupt Written by Deb Hopper Published in    Great Health Guide articles available in Audio: As parents, there are many things that we love and adore about our children. There are also some social skills that we seem to teach and...

How to Survive the Fireworks and New Years Eve Celebrations

Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist Celebrations, New Years Eve Cheer and How to Survive the Fireworks and Stay Sane Christmas is over, leftovers are on the menu, and the fireworks are the next big event on the holiday calendar for New Years Eve. It’s hot...

How to Relax for the Holidays and Supercharge your Break

Written by Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist Top 3 tips for super charging your break with sensory boosts for relaxing and recharging The holiday season is almost here! Maybe you have escaped for an early holiday break? Those of us still at work are just a little...

Tips for Surviving Christmas with a Sensory Safe Christmas Day

Written by Deb Hopper, Paediatric Occupational Therapist What is a sensory safe Christmas and the key tips for surviving Christmas Holidays? Not long now until Christmas. Santa’s can be found everywhere (I almost bowled one over yesterday at our local shopping...

Reducing Anxiety for End of Term

 The end of term often seems a long way off, and then it seems to come out of no where! The flow of each term starts with the transition into school classes after the holidays as children settle back into routines. This can take some adjustment as they get back into...

How To Make End of Year Routine Changes Easier for Kids

End of Year At School The end of the school year is fun, right? Well, yes it is for some students, but for others relaxing the boundaries, feeling tired, facing unfamiliar routines and knowing that their class will be different next year is the stuff of nightmares. As...

What Is Sensory Processing Disorder?

In some toddlers, or even older children, parents may notice an unusual dislike to noise or light, or a clumsy attitude or distressful reaction during basic self-care tasks like tying their shoe laces or brushing teeth. However, it can be more disturbing in situations...