. . In Episode 18 of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast we are going to talk about something all parents have gone through - children having sensory meltdowns and tantrums. We know this can happen a lot and most of the time in the most embarrassing...
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The Just Right Kids Model for helping kids to communicate how they feel | Ep 17
. . Episode 17 of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast is a continuation of our conversation in Episode 16 where we are going to talk about the “Just Right Kids Model” - the kids who communicate when they are anxious, frustrated or angry. I will be explaining each...
Why visuals are important for communicating how kids are feeling | Ep 16
. . In Episode 16 of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast we are going to talk about the importance of using visual communication for kids. It’s a very effective tool for supporting and understanding kids especially when they are having...
Parenting with Open Hands | Ep 15
. . In Episode 15 of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast, I will be talking about a concept that I have been trying to incorporate into my family, mummy, and occupational therapist life since I came across it a couple of months ago called parenting with open hands and...
Reflections on autism and anxiety from a young adult | Ep 14
. . In episode 14 of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast, Andrew Pratt, a 7th Day Adventist Church Pastor who has high-functioning autism and anxiety, joins us to give us a peek into his world and how he has gone through life with autism from childhood to adulthood....
Sensory Meltdown or Tantrum? How to Tell the Difference (With Survival Tips)
At a Glance:A sensory meltdown is not a tantrumIt is a reaction to sensory overwhelmThe best response to a meltdown is to lower the stimulation levelAny parent knows the dread of a public tantrum. You feel as if all eyes are judging your (obviously inferior) parenting...
Mindful Parenting | Ep 13
. . In this episode of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast, Fleur Chambers, Founder of Harvesting Happiness, helps us become calmer despite the busyness of life. Harvesting Happiness is a community organization that supports mums, kids, and everyone in the...
Mindfulness for Special Needs Mums | Ep 12
. . In this episode of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast, we talk to Kyle Stretton from the Special Needs Super Moms TV. Kylie will share her experience about parenting children with and without special needs, the importance of self-care for parents and very...
Why the Village Matters to Your Child | Ep 11
. . In this episode of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast, we talk to Pastor Darren Pratt on the importance of a village and mentoring in our child’s life. We also touch on the topics knowing how to identify if your child is lacking a village and how to build a...