Written by Nicky Ellis - www.horsesandfoals.com Horses have shared a bond with man for many thousand years. Horses have been used extensively to transport goods as well as people. Horses have also lent help in the fields of construction and agriculture. They are also...
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Using a Calendar to Help Transition Back to School
How to use a calendar to help transition back to school? Here's how! Summer holidays can be the carefree, fun-packed time of experience and shared experiences which neither kids nor mums and dads want to end. It can be very appealing (and rightly so!) to make the most...
Reflections on 2018 – What Worked for Your Family?
Happy New Year! This is a great time of the year to take a bit of time and reflect on what has happened over the last 12 months. Now that the hectic festive season is (hopefully!) calming down, I invite you to look back and congratulate yourself on ALL the wonderful...
Preparing for a Sensory Safe Christmas / Holidays Season in the Winter
Ready to have a sensory safe Christmas in the Winter? LifeSkills4Kids is based in Australia, but we know that some of our readers live on the other side of the world, where your Christmas will be considerably colder! So, let's take a look at preparing for a sensory...
A Sensory-Friendly Christmas in Summer
It's count down before Christmas day, so let's check these top tips and enjoy a truly sensory-friendly Christmas in summer! As a parent, how can you create a sensory-friendly Christmas in Summer? Christmas is traditionally a time of great excitement for all kids...
How Can You Support Your Kids Through End of Year Routine Changes?
Are We Ready to Support Kids End of Year Routine Changes? Oh yes! How can you support your kids through end of year routine changes? And without hurdle? It's THAT time of year again! Christmas is coming and your kids are breaking up for their long summer holiday. ...
Supporting Children Through End of Year Routine Changes
Here are great and useful pointers on supporting children through end of year routine changes! It's that time of year again, when we are all coming towards the end of another school year. As the end of term approaches and the summer holidays beckon, we can all look...
How to Cope with Fireworks With Your Kids
Christmas is around the corner. It is the season to be jolly! Let's enjoy the holidays by knowing some tips on how to cope with fireworks with your kids! A fireworks celebration is one that kids and families alike are 'supposed' to look forward to. The explosions of...
Depression in Parents with Children with Special Needs
Learn the depression in parents with children with special needs... and how to help them Recently I came across a Facebook post on my feed and I shared it to my Life Skills 4 Kids Facebook page and I was just blown away by the impact. This post was entitled "Special...