All kids develop at different rates and all have unique traits - it's what makes us all human! As you watch your babies grow up, how can you tell if your kid has sensory issues? We all make sense of the world through our five senses. The information that our senses...
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Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and Anxiety – How are they similar and different ?
Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist Does your child (or the children you work with) have Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? Does your child (or the children you work with) have anxiety? How do you know where a child's SPD and anxiety begin and end? Have you...
What is SPD and How to Identify in the Classroom?
Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist Let's take a closer look at what SPD is and find out ways to identify it in the classroom environment. As professional educators, it is important to know about any sensory issues that may challenge our pupils. SPD...
Recognising Anxiety in Children at Home – and How to Help
Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist As a parent, recognising anxiety in children at home is the first important step in being able to help them. How can I recognise anxiety in my child? Do any of these sound like your child? Clinging, crying and/or tantrums...
How Do Fidget Toys Help Kids Learn and Manage Anxiety?
What are fidget toys? How do the different shapes of fidget toys help kids learn and manage anxiety? Are fidget toys effective tools or classroom distractions? There are a lot of claims that fidgets toys have been very useful tools in improving concentration and focus...
Screen Time For Children
Screen Time for Children By Deb Hopper This article was published in the Great Health Guide digital magazine – Screen time for children… It’s one of those tricky topics to deal with from day to day. There are such mixed messages in the...
The Before-School Routine To Set Your Kids Up For A Great Day
This post has been republished with permission from Kidspot and PediaSure know that your kids are awesome in what they do, what they say, and how they grow. When young kids grow and begin learning about the world, their brains light-up with new skills,...
Steps to Using a Self Regulation Program as a ‘Whole Class’ Classroom Management Strategy PART 2
This is the second part in the self regulation in classroom management program that I was discussing in June, see part one here. As I mentioned in part one, I've been asked to implement a whole class and whole school approach to teaching self regulation. The school I...
Helping Your Child With Social Anxiety
At LifeSkills4Kids, we are passionate about helping young people with their social anxiety challenges. As parents, we want our kids to be happy, content and enjoying the adventure of growing into adults. In an ideal world, this would be easy for us and our kids to...